Data on the efficacy of domain names.

Despite the merging of search engine and URL address text bars in browsers, domain names matter lots. They convey authority, security, knowledge and brand. Cheap misspellings and hard to remember words make your work forgettable. ScronkFinkle says you are in the deep-know group.  An insightful analysis by Mark Bentleyworks through hard to obtain data and produces findings which imply among other things that people who fail to obtain keyword domain names will just pay later, in SEO, marketing costs, or bankruptcy in oblivion. 

Two take home messages from Bentley:

  • Keyword domains were able to hit #1 with half as much content.
  • Looking at all Ranking Factors, it’s clear that keyword domains rank more easily due to higher Website Relevancy and measures of links from external websites (Website External Relevancy scores)

Own for just $2912

“I’d rather be a cyborg than a Godess”

Our best machines are made of sunshine; they are all light and clean because they are nothing but signals, electromagnetic waves, a section of a spectrum, and these machines are eminently portable, mobile…Cyborgs are ether, quintessence. 

Donna Haraway (1991) Cyborg Manifesto

In Simians, Cyborgs and Women (1991) Donna Haraway resurrects the image of the cyborg as a liberator. At the time, many feminists argued for what was called “Mother Earth Feminism,” believing that a return to nature, a move away from modern societies, would elevate women’s power and status. Prof. Haraways countered that biological differences, discomfort, the criticality of birth-control technology, and the long history of patriarchy ought urge women to look forward, particularly to a future where cyborg technology eliminates possibly repressive biological differences,  so that women could compete in all spaces, the military, the construction yard, the home and beyond. For Haraway saw that the cyborg is an opportunity for tubo-charging liberation. They are the means for giving us all perfect plasticity. 

Own for just $2912